MANIPAL UNIVERSITY    is  one of the  leading university in india  ,in  over 57years manipal university has emberged as leading university in india ,spread over 600 acers of green expanse,Manipal University is home  to 20,000 students pursing  ungraduate and post graduate programmes in diverse subjects.The university has a strong alumni network of  over 72,000 members.

The university has created an ecosystem  of  teaching and research  excellence and  making it a universally  accepted  desitination by students . The breadth  of disiplanes and collabration among constutent  institutions gives  unparreld  oppurtunity students to cross departmental  boundries and explore different  horizions


1.Fellowship in clinical genetics at KMC ,manipal
2.Certificate course  in spanish
3.Dual degree master's programe in filmmaking & filmart
4.Msc in pharmatucuial  medicine in collabration with Hibernia collage,dublin, ireland .
5.BT finishing school sponserd by the Vision science and Technology ,depatrment of science and Technology Governement  of   karnataka .
6.Certificate course in  Laboratary safety .
7.Introduction  to  Ethics  a certificate course .
8.Admissions  open for integrated MA-PHD program in  Humanities .
9.Certificate programme in  Fashion Design and  Information Techology .
10. Bachlor's  degree in Libry  and information  science .
11.Manipal University invites  applications  for full time  PHD programme with scholarship