GITAM  UNIVERSITY

During the  past 32 years,GITAM has been   comitted  to  excellence  in higher   education   foraying  in  deverifised  discipline of  learning . It has studiedly evolved in to a world  class university  recognised  for  the  expernintal  learning  it   offers, competent  and  compassionate  faculty ,the stellar research  laboratries,acadamic vibrancy and cosmopolitan culture .

DR.MVVS.MURTHY,  visionary , industrilaist , educationist , philanthropist ,  and   Former  parliamentarian has been  guiding  the destinies of the university  since its inseption .

The university has two campuses its  main campus at  Visakhapatnam  and an off campus  at  Hyderabad . Known for its  creative  dynamists  and  flexibulaty   the  university offers  varied programmers  blending skill development  and  value orientation  to shape career  of students  and develop  holistic  personality  to be  previled  members of civil society . The university  also  offers several programmes  through distance  learning   to  increase  acces to  higher education  with  emphasis on reaching   the unread .