It is an  artical  of    faith  @ VVIT to  complenent the acadamic  component  of the university  and enchance  the  over all education  experience of students through a wide  range extra-curicular  progreemes , facilities , services and  actgivities. these events provide students and other  members  of the  university  to variety  of social ,cultural,intelluctual,recreational, oppurtuniies and challenges .

Such experiences  enrich  the lives  of students and help them to fullfill their  potential. An exclusive  office Headed by a Student's Welfare officers plans and  executive  these actvities.

Co-Curicullar and  Extra-Curicular  actvities are planed and  executed through a  number  of  Associations ,Clubs , Societies, and students  chapter  of professional bodies . They  are owned and Managed  by Representatives of   students  and  are  moniterd    by  the  Faculty in-charge.