Call Center

A call centre or call center[1] is a centralised office used for the purpose of receiving and transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone. A call centre is operated by a company to administer incoming product support or information inquiries from consumers. Outgoing calls for telemarketing, clientele, product services, and debt collection are also made. In addition to a call centre, collective handling of letters, faxes, live chat, and e-mails at one location is known as a contact centre. A call centre is often operated through an extensive open workspace for call centre agents, with work stations that include a computer for each agent, a telephone set/headset connected to a telecom switch, and one or more supervisor stations.

Course Contents:

Curriculum of BPO - L-1( 30 Days, 60 Hours)

  • Pre-Self Analysis
  • Punctuality and Quality
  • Spoken Grammar
  • Tenses Drill
  • Public Speaking
  • Reading Skills
  • Tenses Drill
  • Pleasantries,Phonetics
  • Group Discussion
  • Corporate Communication
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Time Management
  • Stress Management
  • Idioms and Phrases & Proverbs
  • Customer Handling Skills
  • Interview Skills
  • Resume Preparation
  • Letter Writing
  • Post-Self Analysis

Curriculum of BPO - L-2( 15 Days, 120 Hours)

  • Corporate and BPO Culture
  • Punctuality and Quality
  • Pre-Self Analysis
  • Spoken Grammar
  • Public Speaking
  • Reading Skills & Listening Skills
  • Group Discussion
  • Debate
  • Americanism
  • Voice and Accent,Syllabification & Phonetics
  • Time Management

Dot Net

In today's world of enterprise applications development whether it is desktop or web, one of the leaders and visionary is microsoft .NET technology. The .NET platform enables innovation in enterprise application development and deployment. It includes wide variety of prebuild components, which allows developers to create robust and powerful applications to address the enterprise requirements. In addition, the Visual Studio. NET IDE use for rapid .NET- enabled application developments enables quick development, trouble-free deployment,installation, maintenance, and security.
This program provides a strong foundation in object-oriented programming approaches and the fundamentals of C# programming language.
This program also familiarizes the student with Structured Query Language (SQL) and provides sufficient knowledge to query and manage a database using SQL Server. Student gets exposes to Windows-based GUL Application development using Rapid Application development (RAD) on the .NET framework.
Further, one develops skills on database connectivity technologies such as ADO.NET to create data centric applications on .NET platform. This program also provides an understanding to develop and deploy Web applications using ASP.NET . It focuses on building distributed applications by using Visual Studio

Course Contents

Object Oriented Programming Using C#

  • Phases of the various object oriented apporach

  • Write and execute c# programs

  • Identify and use operators including arithmetic, assignment, unary, comparison and logical and decision-making constructs and loop constructs

  • Implement Structure, enumeration, arrays and collection

  • Implement polymorphism and overload function and operators

  • Types of relationship

  • File Stream classes

  • Threading Usage and implementation

  • Delegates, Events and attributes

  • RDBMS & SQL Server:

  • Define a DBMS & Data Models

  • Create ER Diagrams and Usage

  • How ER is implement in tables

  • Normalize and denormalize data in tables

  • Query Data using Joins and Subqueries

  • Manage Database, Tables and data in tables

  • Implement indexes, views and Full-Text Search, Stored Procedure and Functions

  • Implement Triggers and Transaction, Managed Code and HTTP Endpoints

  • Implement Services for Message-Based Communication

  • GUI Application in VS 2005

  • Identify the components of the .NET Framework

  • Working with Visual Studio .NET IDE

  • Work with the windows Forms and controls

  • Implement the functionality of Crystal Report, Help in the .NET Application and printing and Printing Functionality in a Windows Forms Application

  • Create Components and Windows Controls in .NET Applications

  • Implementing Asynchronous Programming and Package, Deploy and Secure Application

  • Developing ADO.NET and XML and its Application

  • Need for xml as a standard data interchange format

  • Create an XML Schema, datasheets, datatables, connection using ADO.NET, cascading style sheet and XSLT to format data, XPath pattern matching

  • Identify the disconnected and connected environment in ADO.NET

  • Retrieve and store large binary data, and bulk copy operations

  • Working with SQL notification and distrubuted transaction

  • Manipulation of XML data using XML reader and writer classes and DOM API

    • Telephone Etiquette
    • Stress Management,& Work Place Etiquettes
    • Idioms and Phrases & Proverbs
    • Transitional Phrases
    • Customer Handling Skills
    • Selling Skills
    • Team Work
    • Apology & Empathy
    • Rapport Building
    • Post-Self Analysis
    • Real Time Dialing Experience