The Academy of Animation and Gaming (AAG) was established with the purpose of bridging the gap between the needs of the rapidly booming animation, gaming and visual special effects industry for skilled professionals who fulfil industry's needs.
To ensure the requisite skills and abilities AAG students are taught on extremely high-end computer platforms that can handle the demands made on technology by animation and gaming disciplines. Every AAG student workstation is equipped with high-end graphics cards from Dell, and Apple I-Mac workstations.
Our mission is to create the people as well as the animated and interactive entertainment products for the next generation’s entertainment. We are committed for providing high- end
training in animation, Multimedia and
gaming and business development for creative technologies in India. Our goal is to equip students with The knowledge and skills that are required to enter and succeed in the billion-dollar market.
AAG announces scholarship program for talented and needy student who are extremely passionate for animation and game career.
AAG believes in developing talent to serve the community, This program represents a bold effort of AAG to provide professional career training for student who aspire for creative career but due to constrains in finance they do not have access to animation education.The scholarship covers part tuition fee for the AAG renowned diploma programs.
A career in design is vibrant and exciting, as well as financially rewarding. AAG's education and learning environment is both nurturing and mentoring, here we offer an ideal educational experience that will help student to be successful and flourish in creative career.
- Submit your art work to Academy (You can courier your artwork to academy or send it to
- If your work will be selected you will be informed for the test and interview.
AAG Bangalore
No.64, 13th Cross, 3rd Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore - 560078
Tel: 080 - 26592828 / 26593838 / 26594848
Mob: +91 9972555851, 9916645682, 9916645681
AAG Preetvihar
A-8, Swasthya Vihar, Vikas Marg, New Delhi 110065
Tel: 011 43282004 / 05
Mob: 9560833889